Sunday, May 21, 2006

Next Seasons Squad

As there is no news on next seasons squad I thought I would offer my opinion.

Dicko: I hope he stays on as a part time player but I also hope we get a decent keeper who really can challenge him for a place and take over some day.

Lane: I hope he stays and goes full time, he is one of the fittest players and has experience which we need.

Fitzhenry: I think he is a level above his ability so will go on to play/work elsewhere

Earle Davis: Worth keeping as he is young enough to improve.

Gary Brabin: Full time fitness coach next season.

Fitzgerald: replaceable but I wouldnt mind him being given a chance of full time football. But last season we kept players who should have gone so maybe its best if he leaves now?

Matty McGinn: I would keep him, he has apce, crossing and can play in more than one position. Maybe not a starting player but a useful one.

Leadbetter: If he wants to stay and play then I would be happy for him to do so.

Morely: We need better in central midfield. byebye Dom

Pickford: In the last few games he showed he can still play at this level, he would be a great addition to a lower league side though.

Blakeman: Keep him, hopefully we have the coaches to help him improve.

Baker: as above.

Daly: My hero, has to stay.

Robinson: He had a great start to the season but looked like a lazy get for quite a few games. I would replace him if a Legaue or Conference striker was available.

Booth: Keep, wasnt given a chance until late in the season. Didnt impress for the reserves but after playing for Burscough he did enough for Southport to make me think he is worth keeping.

Wanted list: players for all positions!

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