Friday, September 29, 2006


There are those who want Paul Cook to be sacked from his job at Southport FC, I am not one of them. In fact I find this idea to be very stupid. Paul Cook has done a great job of getting rid of the part-time players of last season and building a new fulltime young side. Yes the side needs some more experience and the manager knows this. Cook has found some very talented young players, he obviously knows a good player when he sees one.
I think most of the reason why those who want him out do so is because they were in love with Liam Watson. Sounds odd but thats how the fans act. They have lost all reason and have very selective memories. When Watson left the fans sounded like they had lost the love of their life, and now they hate his replacement. It is also interesting to note that while these peopel are visible online, at the ground you do not hear the same comments in the majority of the crowd.

It is hard to know when the online fans are joking, some are even saying Brabin should be brought back as a player and even as manager! For me Brabin signing a fulltime playing contract was a sign that the club had little ambition in its fulltime direction. He was in his last days as a proffesional footballer and didnt have much of a future to offer the club.
Some even think that the club offered players contracts in an effort to force the players to leave the club. Like all internet conspiracy theorists they cannot back their cliams up with evidence and do not liek to be questioned. Why, I wonder, did the club bother to offer them contracts whent hey could have just sold them or paid them off? Answers on a postcard...

Some good news this week, Cook has brought a promising young player in to fill the gap in our defence left by the injured Lee. Again this has been the topic of debate with the online fans who think it is another ploy to rid the club of Chris Lane. They have also deliberately mis-quoted Cook to use his words against him. They complained when the club lacked players and now complain when it brings players in and also complain the one they brought in wasnt brought in for long enough.
But no one said football fans were rational.
I have every faith that Cook can bring in the players he needs and take the club forwards. Cook will be having another Q&A session for the fans, I wonder if his critics are planningt heir excuses not to attend already...

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