Saturday, November 03, 2007

Southport 2 Tamworth 2

There were extra stewards today busily scouring the terraces for illicit photographers. Unfortunately the players must have heard there was a chance of having their picture snapped and stood still, unblinking as Tamworth scred not one but two goals in the first 7 minutes.
Southport looked poor throughout the first half with the ball rarely reaching the strikers. The keeping, passing, shooting and defending were all bad.
Michael Powell let himself down when he punched a Tamworth player in the back in Southports penalty area and then continued to have words with their forwards, avoiding being headbutted all out of sight of the officials.
The Southport players were boo-ed off the pitch by their supporters.
The second half was a different game. Southport came out looking for goals and were rewarded for their efforts by a brilliant free kick taken by Sean Newton making it 2-1 with plenty of time to get another. As it was Southport left it until the end to grab another goal with super sub Adam Dugdale heading home to draw even. Southport looked like they could have got another goal and taken all the points but ran out of time.
Southport left the field to applause but with Burscough winning the moaners and sackers will still be online calling for the heads of the players and manager.

MOTM: Neil Prince
Popular Side Pundit Comment "You're playing like wallies!"

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