Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Southport 5 Vauxhall Motors 2

The rain tonight was terrible, I wondered why I was going out of the house let alone to go and stand outside and watch nonleague football. There was rain, hail, and thunder. The Popular side was closed, not that many would have been out there. The players came out and then quickly ran back in again to the boos of the crowd. Someone somewhere heard the fans and the rain stopped allowing the game to start.
Those who had left their TVs at home to come out on a rain sodden night were soon rewarded when a Motors back pass floundered in a puddle and was rescued by Kilheeney who scored less than 2 minutes into the game. Shortly after Neil Robinson put the ball int he net but was denied his goal by the linesman. Robbo was not to be denied for long and scored a great goal a quarter of an hour in.
Vauxhall scored while Southport were still talking about Neils goal, to make it 2:1. Robbo scored again to take Southport into halftime winning 3:1.
The rain started again at halftime.
Former Southport player Nick Rogan made it 3:2 with a great goal infront of the Jack Carr stand. But Southport were better in attack than defence and sub Tony Gray came on and scored followed soon after by Kevin Lee who scored his second of the season.
While Southport scored five goals, and players like Steve Daly and Mike Powell came close to scoring, Southport have to remember they were knocked of the top spot by Tamworth on goal difference. Chances have to be taken and the defence tightened up especially after a Southport goal.
Southport's new signing Michael Barnes played well and looks to be a very promising signing.
Vauxhall didnt give up and played till the end with Nick Rogan and Karl Noon upfront.

MOTM Neil Robinson

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